

Wesley Fellowship Scholarship

MOWA members are encouraged to further their education and skills in their field.  To aid in this, the Wesley Fellowship Scholarship assists in funding for programs that hone these skills.  The application can be found on the updated MOWA Directory (which only members receive).

But please feel free to browse the guidelines of this opportunity below.

1.  This fellowship is intended to cover costs of tuition and materials only (not transportation, lodging, food) for the individual member.  In cases where the prices are all-inclusive, funds may be awarded to cover a part of the costs.

2.  Application for fellowship must be made prior to participating in the program. Individuals who find programs on their own need to fill out and return the application found in the MOWA directory. Occasionally, MOWA/Wesley Fellowship Committee will identify appropriate activities and announce them to the group. In these cases we will forego the formal application, but members still need to let the committee know of their intent to participate because it has to monitor the funds that have been dispersed each year.

3.  A pamphlet, copy of registration form, website, or other “official” announcement of the costs involved in the workshop must accompany the Fellowship application.

4.  Awardee must provide proof of payment and attendance within 30 days of completing the class.

5.  Fellowships to be awarded for workshops, technical or educational conferences, seminars, or classes.  Courses leading to college credit or satisfying requirements for other accreditation as well as costs for attending professional conferences (OWAA, AGLOW, travel writing groups, etc.) are not eligible for the Fellowship.

7.  Each annual budget will provide $750 for the fellowships.  The maximum for any single benefit will be $500.

9. Fellowships may be awarded throughout each calendar year until all the approved funds are allocated/distributed.

11. After receiving a fellowship, an individual may apply for more but only with the understanding that applicants who haven’t yet received one will be given preference.

For questions or application entries, please contact Amanda at amandak114 (at)